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Metal Prices
Gold Price €2,775.55 £2,317.98 $2,862.30
Silver Price €30.89 £25.75 $31.84

Investment Calculator

Just enter the amount you are looking to invest and your chosen metal, the investment calculator will then return a range of different packages to suit your budget.

Best Value Package

This package provides the very best value for money for individuals unconcerned as to which size or type of bar or coin they will receive.
This package provides the very best value for money for individuals unconcerned as to which size or type of bar or coin they will receive.

Flexible Package

For investors who want the benefits of more units, this package provides increased flexibility whilst still offering great value for money.
For investors who want the benefits of more units, this package provides increased flexibility whilst still offering great value for money.

Cheapest Coin Package

For investors who prefer coins, this package provides the very best value for money.
For investors who prefer coins, this package provides the very best value for money.

Cheapest Bars Package

This package provides the very best value for money for individuals who are looking to invest in pure 999.9 gold bars (24 carat).
This package provides the very best value for money for individuals who are looking to invest in pure 999.9 gold bars (24 carat).