01 699 4396 Monday - Friday, 08:30 - 17:00 Free Insured Delivery to Ireland for orders over €500

Metal Prices
Gold Price €2,751.47 £2,298.19 $2,857.01
Silver Price €31.06 £25.94 $32.23

Silver Trees of Life Rounds

The Trees of Life is a series of 1oz rounds produced by Geiger Edelmetalle for Tara Coins in Ireland. These charming rounds feature a beautiful design with multiple elements celebrating Celtic culture, including the Tree of Life.

Each round includes 1 troy ounce of 999.9 silver. Individual rounds are presented in plastic capsule, orders of 20 or more are issues in acrylic tubes, and 500 or more come in a Tara coins wooden box.

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